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Why join Mathizen:

Unique Quiz Format
We have a unique quiz format that greatly increases your chances of winning Math contests by improving your proficiency and speed.
Practice Tests Module
where answers and solutions/explanations are given at the end of each question, for practicing your skills and familiarization with the different types of problems.
Skill Tests Module
for testing your skills if you indeed have learned something from your practice. Questions taken in the Skill Tests are stored in your Activity log so you can review them anytime.
Achievers Profile posted
As an Achiever, your profile will be posted in our website to serve as inspiration to others. Our way of inspiring others to excel.
Facebook Announcement
Outstanding performances of our achievers will be posted in our Facebook page. You can tag and share it with your friends.
Unlimited Access to all tests
You get Unlimited access to all our test modules - Practice Tests, Skill Tests, Actual Math Contest Tests and Olympiad Tests. Practice till you drop. The secret to winning is practice.
20,000 + questions and still growing
We have more than 20,000 questions in our database and still growing. New grade levels will be added soon.
On-the-go Math learning
Access Mathizen tests via computer, tablet, or mobile device. Learn and practice on the go at your convenience. Make your idle time productive by answering the tests via mobile.
Searchable by Google/Yahoo/Bing
Your name with your achievements profile will be searchable by Google, Yahoo and Bing. Anyone who wants to be inspired by your achievements can just search for your name and your Mathizen page will be right on top of search results.
Variety of Math Problems
We present here as many different types of math problems to ensure winning the competition. Some are complex. Some are just tricky. As much as possible no surprises during actual math contests.
Access to Discussion Forums
Discussion forums with Elite Mathematicians will be offered soon. Gets you in direct discussion with the experts.
More Learning tools and Videos
We will be providing you with other learning tools such as videos and ebooks to help you improve your math skills.
Learning is more fun
Join and have fun competing with other Mathizens around the world in our various games and contests.
The quizzes contained herein are good for all ages. The categories of our exams are meant for the advanced kids. If you're an adult with average Math skill, you will find the elementary questions here still very challenging. Remember, this site is not a remedial Math site. Rather it is a site that will test your skill and proficiency in Math. The goal here is mastery not just simply to pass the Math subject. We are opening Mathizen now so youngsters who are preparing for a competition few months from now can take advantage of this rare collection of Math Questions in a format that will really enhance their proficiency. As they say, the secret to winning is preparation. The longer the preparation the better the chances of winning. So, sign up now and start your preparation early so you can get ahead of the competition.


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